Christian Heilmann

Posts Tagged ‘article’

Using the social web for development – recycling rocks

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

I just marked up and released a paper that was rejected for a conference I applied to about using the social web for development: It describes how developers can use the power of the social web to advertise, improve and even develop their products.

The article is licensed with Creative Commons, so feel free to use it in your own products. And if you want me to deliver it as a talk at your conference, why not drop me a line on Twitter? :)

This also taught me not to bother at all with conferences any longer who ask you for a full paper as a submission, especially when they are academic conferences. The reviews I got for this were quite harsh and missed the point that I was trying to make that we are treading new ground here and there is no way to build on earlier successes or quote case studies.

I hope it is useful to you, and I’d love to get some feedback.

Enjoy, Chris

Show off your hidden data with SearchMonkey – new article on Digital-Web

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Digital Web just released my new article about showing the world your page-embedded data with Searchmonkey. SearchMonkey is a new Yahoo product that allows you to enhance search results with information that is in your document but wasn’t indexed by Yahoo. You can either retrieve this information with an XSLT and transforming the document or by picking from RDF and microformatic data in the document.

The article is a step-by-step tutorial how to turn the search results of Facebook apps into a richer experience by showing a thumbnail preview and a description without having to click through to facebook:

Facebook Applications search results with and without Searchmonkey