Christian Heilmann

Neuer Kurs auf LinkedIn Learning: Grundlagen der Programmierung – Barrierefreie Software

November 2nd, 2023

Mein zweiter Kurs auf LinkedIn Learning Grundlagen der Programmierung – Barrierefreie Software ist live! Der Kurs richtet sich an Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene und ist eine Stunde und 28 Minuten lang. Hier ist die Beschreibung von LinkedIn und die detailierten Videotitel: Christian Heilmann beweist in seinem LinkedIn Learning-Kurs, dass einfache barrierefreie Nutzbarkeit von Software heutzutage schon […]

Today was a great day for accessibility!

October 25th, 2023

Today was a great day, even when it started at four in the morning to get to the airport in time. WeAreDevelopers LIVE is a series of online events covering a specialist topic. And today we ran the event with one of my favourite topics of all time: accessibility. Originally we had planned a different […]

My company is hiring: who wants to work with me in Developer Relations?

October 20th, 2023

I have a spot on my team for a Developer Advocate and you can apply here: Developer Advocate all genders – Remote, Europe, UK Please, don’t send me CVs or tell me to “take a look” as all applicants need to be in the system so we can follow the needed legal procedure. What you’ll […]

Falling Behind In Style – explosive and continuous growth is bad for tech

October 17th, 2023

These are the notes for my talk at the TechKnowFest in Amsterdam. We always see big technology companies as the best place to work and as those who make the world go around. I’ve been pretty disillusioned in this regard lately. The main reason why technology isn’t really making the world go around is that […]

Lossless Cut is my new favourite tool to cut parts from a video without any hassle

October 7th, 2023

Lossless Cut is probably the simplest way to cut out parts of a video without having to re-encode it or use an online service. It is open source, free and available for all platforms. It is in essence a frontend for FFMPEG and cuts without re-encoding, so the results are instantaneous. VideoTap has an amazing […]