Christian Heilmann

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Archive for the ‘yahoo’ Category

Scripting Enabled at @mediaAjax 2008

Monday, September 15th, 2008

I am right now at @media Ajax 2008 getting ready to go on stage to deliver my “Scripting Enabled” talk, explaining how the main issue about accessibility is that we just don’t talk enough to each other. Technology is never really the boundary we have with accessibility, it is that we don’t understand how people work and what technology is capable of.

[slideshare id=598740&doc=atmediaajaxscriptingenabled-1221470402418982-9&w=425]

Links in the presentation

Video of my talk at the University of Ankara

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

Kivanc Erten has shot a video of my talk at the Open Source Event in the University of Economics and Technology in Ankara, Turkey explaining what free open resources Yahoo has for developers:


Part 1: Yahoo is Open

Part 2: Yahoo is Open

Show off your hidden data with SearchMonkey – new article on Digital-Web

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Digital Web just released my new article about showing the world your page-embedded data with Searchmonkey. SearchMonkey is a new Yahoo product that allows you to enhance search results with information that is in your document but wasn’t indexed by Yahoo. You can either retrieve this information with an XSLT and transforming the document or by picking from RDF and microformatic data in the document.

The article is a step-by-step tutorial how to turn the search results of Facebook apps into a richer experience by showing a thumbnail preview and a description without having to click through to facebook:

Facebook Applications search results with and without Searchmonkey

YUI on the go – load YUI components on demand

Friday, December 7th, 2007

This is one of my talks at the Yahoo! Frontend Engineering summit in London and it deals with the options of cutting down the size of the YUI library components. There have been many articles and posts about this subject already but none really explained the idea of using YAHOO_config to load components on demand instead of using the YUI loader.

This is also the trick I used to create the unobtrusive flickr badge v2.

PlugLondon – let there be talk, let there be beers and let there be London developers shape the event

Monday, November 5th, 2007

Once in a while you realize that a lot of people are like you. When I joined a big internet corporation a lot of people asked me if I will shut up about bad things on my blog or if I will become a company drone now. The joke never gets old and I told some other people in the same situation about it. Well, we drank some beers, chatted and now it is time to take action:

PlugLondon is a meetup for developers in London in December sponsored by ebay, Yahoo, Skype and Paypal.

The catch? All of the people involved agreed on leaving both HR and PR out the door and do the thing ourselves. So on the 8th of December we want all the London people who drive software innovation to show up, chat with us about their products, how they use our APIs, get info from our experts and of course have several beers and food.

We are planning on repeating the exercise every half year and basically want to show that London can be as cool as the Valley but not as annoying to get to for UK folks.

The event has no branding yet and we invite people to give us logo ideas. The audience at the first meetup will choose which is the best and we go from there.

So come around, check out the different parts:

See you there,
