Christian Heilmann

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Archive for January, 2008

Code tutorials for lazy people with Ajax Code Display

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Currently I am writing a lot of tutorials for an online self-training course about web standards and I ran into the annoyance of having to maintain example code in two places: the code itself and the HTML document with the explanations. Therefore I took jQuery and wrote a small script that automatically turns links to HTML code examples with HTML entities and line numbers. You can define which lines to display, which lines should be highlighted and you can add a live preview in an IFRAME when the link is clicked.

My roadblock of one – now also blogging for Ajaxian and Yahoo Developer Network

Friday, January 25th, 2008

Today was a great day: I finally got my Macbook Pro to work with, got myself one of those fancy new slick keyboards and went for it answering a lot of emails. It is amazing how many more emails you can answer when you don’t have to wait for virus scans in the background and Outlook to get a move on.

Not only did I get some good leeway on what I am going to do this year (amongst other things a trip to Beijing to talk to developers about best practices and going back to Germany to talk to Flash developers), I also finally got some other answers I have been waiting for.

To cut it short, I am now not only sneakily blogging for the Yahoo Developer Network blog but was asked to contribute more often. What is even more surprising (considering my history of snide comments there) is that I am now also blogging on Ajaxian.

So if you have some good JavaScript/Ajax or general web development stuff that needs coverage, please drop me a line. I am available here (either via comment or email), on twitter or pownce.

I love the idea of being able to reach a lot of readers and developers through very successful and large channels and it shows me once again how powerful the web is as a media. When I worked as a radio journalist, this wouldn’t have been possible as everything I did had to be connected to my employer exclusively :)

IE8 – Would somebody please think of the childrenthe broken web?

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Ok, as several people wondered (in tweets and emails) what my stance on the whole IE8 malarkey is, first of all an explanation why I didn’t bother to blog about it yet:

  • I was busy with more immediate concerns about my professional future
  • Far too many people already blog about it, speculating this or that way and cross-link the same speculative articles over and over again. This will make it hard to find real information once we know the outcome of the dispute (and it is still a dispute as the rendering issues are only the tip of the iceberg). But hey, hits for their blogs = teh win!
  • I am lucky to be on a mailing list consisting of a lot of very clever people who are involved in the development of a lot of the big JS libraries and are part of companies that will have an impact on Microsoft’s decision and there is a full out email avalanche going on there.
  • It will be damn hard to beat Katemonkey’s explanation of IE8 and lemurs anyways

Now, to sum it up in some short words: Microsoft is in a pickle, or let’s say in between the devil and the deep blue see

The Devil – all the old badly developed sites

The biggest issue for Microsoft is that they “don’t want to break the web” – or in reality all the web sites that were built believing in the promise that Microsoft or WYSIWYG products create future-proof code. These are a part of the web – in a lot of cases the part that is behind a firewall and start with “”

The Deep Blue Sea – standard aware web developers

The other big party Microsoft tries to make happy are the standard aware web developers. You might now say freaks and why bother when the enterprise market works happily without it but let’s remember what the benefits of working with standards is:

  • interoperability
  • option to convert to different formats in the future
  • making web development a more mature job, and not something anyone can hack together – which also makes it easier to assess the quality of applicants and hire them faster
  • ease of bug tracking and QA (you know how it should work and can find out what caused it not to)
  • ease of maintenance, as developers see what is going on and don’t have to try to understand what the earlier developer has done, fail in doing so and just slap some more code on at the end to make the product work.

Microsoft’s relationship with these people has never been easy but improved a lot in the recent months. The IE team took research found on the web to fix CSS problems of IE6 in IE7 and have invited experts to help them make IE better. The problem that still persists is history. Let’s do a quick time travel:

Pitch situation (around 2003)

Freaky, border-line hippie small agency: Hello Mr. Moneybags, you asked us for an offer for a web portal for your company that covers both the outside world and your employees’ needs. Here’s what we came up with. You might see that we did some extra time padding to make sure we follow web development standards and test on different platforms to ensure that everybody in and outside the company can use the system.

Man in suit: Hello Mr.Moneybags and thank you for asking us to provide you with a new e-portal covering intranet and internet with CMS and customer care features. Well, you are in luck! We will be using industry leading systems by Microsoft and Oracle to give you a system that ties in seamlessly with your current infrastructure needs. Let me see that computer, ah! Internet Explorer. You’ll be happy to know that what we give you will work with this and with your Outlook solutions! And the best is – we have fixed prices for initial delivery and a very good customer care program (but that is an agenda for another meeting in the future).

What did you think Mr.Moneybags went for?

OK, so let’s help Microsoft with their problem

Now we have a situation where the proposal is to add another META element to ensure that these problems don’t happen. This doesn’t seem much, but it is once again delivering extra work to please one browser on the internet and follow the standards other vendors have much less problem adhering to. Let’s not forget that we already did that when the other MSIE’s came out:

  • We do use DOCTYPE switching and don’t use an XML prologue for XHTML (oh, wait, we don’t do XHTML as MSIE doesn’t support it)
  • We grumbled but we agreed to use conditional comments as the most useful way to patch for MSIE
  • other browser vendors started supporting MSIE-only solutions like innerHTML and clientWidth not to break sites that were built for IE only. Isn’t that enough good will?

Then we got the carrot of “IE8 supports Acid2” and went “Wahey! No more hacking for IE in the future” and got the cold shower of this proposal. Again we were let down.

But what about the broken web?

The broken web is there because salesmen and product descriptions promised something they cannot deliver – that by sticking to a monoculture you can save time and money. History proved that the brave new world of interoperability of products from one single company does not happen. People have the choice of different operating systems and browsers and they should have that. Many councils and schools in Germany for example completely moved to Linux solutions in order to save money – and it works.

I get the distinct impression that the broken web is not as big as we make it to be and if it is then it really is broken because it was built on wrong assumptions and developed with shortcut after shortcut sacrificing maintainability and interoperability.

How many intranets, expense systems and room booking software did we have to use that did not only work in IE exclusively but also were borderline unusable as they considered options a nice to have rather than a decision to make? How many intranet systems are inaccesible to non-JavaScript users, keyboard users or blind people? Yes, it is hard to make a company change these systems, but for Pete’s sake, let’s get rid of this cruft!

Web-Appers and Microsoft unite

And this is what I think is the main step forward: instead of trying to accommodate for a broken web that should have been ditched years ago we should offer patches, tutorials, coaching and mentoring for maintainers how to upgrade these systems.

As most are built with frameworks and CMS and one of the main selling points of these was that the outcome can be easily changed in the future, how about proving that now? In the last few years we shifted more and more away from web site development to web app development and I have yet to see a big impact on the enterprise market. I see a lot of cool RoR tools for the lower and middle market, but nobody takes on Mr.Moneybags and counteracts the promised of the men in suits.

So please, Microsoft, launch a “make your systems more secure, future proof and available” campaign with fixes, patches and good information and I am happy to chip in. I am much less reluctant to cover your butt once again though just to prevent you from having to admit that things change. You ditched all DOS applications when you simulated it in more modern windows than 95, why not show the same power of decision making now?

What does adding empty links to a document do in terms of accessiblity?

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Over at the YUI blog, I managed to convince accessibility researcher and all-out good colleague Mike Davies to publish a research on how empty links in the document affect accessibility.

Why would you ever add empty links to a document? Well, it is part of a Microformat, in this case the include pattern. Over to Mike:

The Microformats group have created an include pattern which is a mechanism for including a portion of data from one area of a page into another area on the same page. Essentially, it’s a means of preventing the duplication of data.
A good example of this is a page that lists all the reviews done by one person. Instead of every review having to duplicate the reviewer details, we can use the include pattern to define the reviewer once, and include it into each review. No needless duplication.
The main technique being advocated as an include is the humble link, but in an effort to minimise duplication of content, the example is an empty link; a link with no link text:

So if you wondered about this microformat and accessibilty, go on over to the yuiblog and have a read.

The Art and Science of JavaScript arrived

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

My chapter in The Art and Science of JavaScript

My latest contribution to the ink-on-dead-tree media is a chapter for Sitepoint’s new book
The Art and Science of JavaScript. I’ve been giving details about the history and the contents of the book in detail in a blog post on the Yahoo Developer Blog and while it has been out for a while I just got my free copies today, hence the delay.

My chapter in detail covers how you can build a badge to display information you stored on another site in yours without having to resort to a server side solution or slow down your site. All the magic happens after the page has been loaded and if there is no JavaScript available, visitors will still see a link to the same online resource.

It is a detailed explanation of the rationale and script that feeds my plugin for wordpress shown below:

[delicious:My links about JavaScript,codepo8,10,javascript]

Whilst not the flashiest of the chapters I hope that people can learn something about APIs, REST and dynamic script node generation from it.

The art and science of JavaScript

I was personally very positively surprised by the quality of the book itself: the full colour print, typography and iconography are very nice. The only thing that is missing is an author name or short bio on the chapter start page, it is a bit tricky to know who did what. Well done Sitepoint!