Christian Heilmann

Good-Bye Easyletter

Thursday, April 27th, 2006 at 12:42 pm

I just deleted my old PHP script EasyLetter from the server. EasyLetter was meant as an easy way to offer a newsletter for your web site and send out emails. It got some good recognition after once being featured on ScreenSavers, but I chose to discontinue it for several reasons:

  • It is not spam safe and can easily be abused
  • If you want to offer newsletters, get professionals to deal with the sending and data protection – there is just too much to keep up with
  • I don’t have the time to answer problems with people’s server configurations any longer
  • RSS feeds are dead easy to offer and are voluntary, not enforced data

So please don’t bother asking me for support for EasyLetter, I will not be able to answer, sorry. I might make it open source if there is interest, but I am not at all proud of it and email spam is too annoying a subject not to leave it to professionals.

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